The story of the two lost elves at Arctic Circle

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I’m Touho the Reporter Elf, trying to report to the world about the day, night of Santa’s workshop and all the gift strings wrapped around them.

Santa’s workshop is quite busy during Christmas, when there are only 27 nights until Christmas!

Nöpöttäjä, the third youngest of the elves, ran up and down, here and there.

Where are you going? Going there, of course – to Santa’s workshop to wind threads and hammer nails.

That’s where Nöpöttäjä Elf was hurrying!

The little slippers with red tassels bounced merrily sometimes her little feet were not touching the ground!

THUMP! The slipper slipped and Nöpöttäjä fell on her bum. Quickly up – and the journey continued….

On the way, Nöpöttäjä Elf met other elves, but she didn’t care about them until her path crossed with little Lepattaja Elf. They were so glad to see each other, that they instantly forgot their destination and continued walking away from the workshop.

Santa Claus counted the elves in his workshop – two are missing…

Where are Nöpöttäjä Elf and a little Lepattaja Elf?

There’s giggles and chirps coming from somewhere – could they be under the table?

Unfortunately it was not that easy….the gnomes and trolls had come to the workshop with the hope of finding some sweet treats.

Where on earth are those little tricksters, Santa Claus wondered and decided to share his worry.

– My dear Mrs. Claus! Have you seen our two smallest elves?

– No, I haven’t seen them in a while. When I was outside recently, I did see the tracks on the yard path leading here, but then they got tangled up with other tracks, said Mrs Claus as she continued rocking the youngest elf, who was just a baby and has just been named Viipattaja Elf.

– We have to harness the Touho the Reporter Elf to the matter and ask her to set up her cameras around the yard, in case those little sneaky runaways will be spotted by camera lens and then it would be possible to see where they are moving, proposed Santa Claus.

Touho, the Reporter Elf, was given a very special and somewhat secret ask, so she asked Santa Claus to take a couple of elves to help her.

Pepattaja Elf, the wisest and one of the oldest of them all and not afraid of work, was the first to wave the tassel of her hat and was ready for a search mission – after all, she also had the qualities of a good Paparazzi. The second volunteer was the slightly younger Jeputtaja Elf, who also waved her tassel and thus the search patrol was ready!

Pepattaja was good at searching lost items and she had a couple of sure places – at least in his own opinion – where he would set up the cameras. Naturally, the cameras have it

motion sensors, but how do you get them zoomed right into the path of these little wiggers?

Jeputtaja-elf knew where the little ones had run in previous days, so together with Pepattaja, they set up a total of five cameras to watch places that Jeputtaja thought were safe.

An hour or two passed, and the search elves saw nothing. Pepattaja and Jeputtaja went to report this hopeless situation to Santa Claus and at the same time visited Mrs.Claus’s lunch table to refuel so that they could spend the afternoon looking for the little ones.

It was already getting dark, the situation seemed hopeless. Pepattaja and Jeputtaja went to check the cameras. YIPPII……the runaway duo were caught in the lens of the first camera! The Search Party Elves rush to the sauna, because that was where those little ones would go – in the inviting glow of a warm sauna! But the searchers were too late – Nöpöttäjä Elf and Lepattaja Elf had moved along…..

– Let’s go to look at other cameras, said Pepattaja. The Search Party elves ran to the barn camera – well, that’s where those little ones were in the picture with Piipittäjä cat!

– Good job, let’s get Christmas cookies from Mrs.Claus then we take the little ones to dinner and to sleep, Jeputtaja rejoiced. But no – the barn was empty. The third camera had shot near the children’s own cabin, but the little ones wasn’t there either. Now it started to seem worrying.

One camera was set up next to Rampattaja Elf’s cabin – just in case the children ran by. Camera caught them standing on the steps of the cabin, but not in the cabin. The swing camera was the last one, and the two rascals had also been swinging, but were not there when Search Party Elves got there.

Pepattaja and Jeputtaja collected the cameras away and went inside in a low mood.

Mrs.Claus had just bathed little Viipattaja Elf and was about to feed him some porridge, when the searchers arrived. The elves were tired and desperate. Jeputtaja already wanted to go to sleep, because tomorrow she had to go to Elf School at eight.

But hold on! What was that strange noise? There were muffled noises coming from her bed! Jeputtaja took the lamp and asked Pepattaja to be by her side as they went to see what that strange sound was. Pepattaja set her camera to shooting mode just in case there was something odd to report to Santa Claus. And there it was! Pepattaja got a picture of the noise makers! Little Nöpttäjä and Lepattäja slept in the bed, surrounded by toys, noses facing each other in a sweet child’s sleep!

Santa Claus and Mrs.Claus were overjoyed when their Search Party elves had finally found the little runaways at the end of a long day. As a reward, Pepattaja and Jepattaja both received a cup of hot cocoa and a big gingerbread cookie!

Touho the Reporter Elf filed a written report of the eventful day, which was saved in the Arctic Circle Chronicles, under events folder number 20132235.

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