About us

Jouni is an expert in the magic of Santa Claus and Christmas. With Santa Claus Production, he wants to share his love for Christmas and bring the message of Santa Claus to as many people as possible around thew world. Jouni and his skillful team wants to personally guarantee the magic of Christmas for you, from a small and intimate family event up to a magnificent corporate celebration. 

Warm-herted and inspiring Jouni is the heart Santa Claus Production. He has been Santa Claus for over two decades, but still his first memories of being Santa warms his heart. Jouni was asked to come as Santa Claus to a children’s Christmas party. He had never played Santa Claus before, but always loved Christmas and the magic it brought.

On the day of the party Jouni arrived early to prepare for his role. He put on his Santa suit and beard and practiced his voice and greetings until he felt confident enough. As he was really nervous and worried if the children would see his smile through the thick, curly beard, he practiced smiling with his eyes.

As the children started to arrive, Jouni’s worries began to fade away, so excited and happy they were to see him. They all wanted to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. And they surely could see and feel him smiling!

As the party came to an end, Jouni felt a sense of fulfillment that he had never felt before. He realized that being Santa Claus was not just about giving gifts, but about bringing joy and happiness to others.

From that day on, Jouni continued to be Santa Claus every year at the children’s Christmas party. He started to work with companies to bring that same magical feeling to corporate events. He loved seeing the faces of children and adults alike light up with excitement and joy, and he knew that he was making a difference in their lives.

Jouni has traveled around the world as an ambassador of goodwill, spreading joy to children and those young at heart. He has visited many corners of the world, including Japan, India, South Korea, and China. Jouni has been Santa Claus in shopping centers, hospitals, hotels, trade fairs and events.

To ensure that everyone can experience this same Christmas spirit, Jouni is on the mission to train others for this demanding job. Inspired by Jouni’s stories, we have added more amazing Santa Claus experts to our team. Jouni has interviewed them carefully and ensured their experience level matches our company’s values and quality standards.

The team of Jouni and Santa Claus are backed up of experts from all event production fields, a photographer, graphic designer, social media producer, event designer and producer, digital developer and a light and sound designer. 

We want to offer You the magical experience of Santa Claus. Please contact us and let’s make dreams meet magic.

With You on this journey,

Santa’s little helpers Eda, Ann, Carl, Alice, Veronica and Sarah. 

Santa Claus Production