Story of Santa

Santa Claus as a brand:

Santa Claus’ stories are born from meeting people and experiencing different atmospheres both in Finland and all over the world.

The story of Santa Claus is true every day of the year. Santa Claus is an ambassador of goodwill and the most famous representative of the Finnish brand values. In our company only one of us, Santa Claus, is the core of our brand. He is the valuable, world-renowned person who distinguishes Santa Claus Production from other companies.

Our brand is built on the living story of Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, their lives and travels, values and their message. 

 The original home of Santa Claus has always been at the Arctic Circle in the Finnish Lapland, and that is how it continues nowadays too. Around a hundred years ago this information was spread over the world, and people from near and far followed in Santa’s footsteps trying to find his home. As that is a top secret, fairytale-protected and well-guarded mystery, they obviously never found his true home. Santa Claus didn’t want to disappoint his friends, and decided to establish a meeting place in Rovaniemi, where friends can come and see him, the elves working there, and their animals. In addition to their living in Rovaniemi, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus also have cottages and other living arrangements all around the world, from Tallinn to Hong Kong and Paris, where the lucky few might get to meet them in person.

Santa Claus has dedicated his life for spreading kindness in adults and strengthening children’s rights and welfare. Enjoying and protecting nature is also one of Santa Claus’ most important values. If you ask Santa Claus, one of the best gifts we can give to the future generations isa lush, healthy Earth.

Santa Claus is a living legend owned by no one. Multiple companies and communities support Santa Claus, but he himself is detached from capitalism. Santa Claus does not sell anything, but he can recommend.

Santa Claus respects different religions and political ideologies without putting more value on any of them than the others.

As global goodwill ambassadors, Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus travel the globe all around the year. If someone talks about seeing them in London, Latokaski, Mumbai, Tampere, or Tallinn, it may very well have happened.

Santa Claus is a warm, joyful, cosmopolitan person with heartfelt humour. He gets along with everyone, no matter their standing or status. For him, everyone is valuable. During his travels, he often meets heads of states and celebrities, but will always make time for children, especially those of underprivileged backgrounds or ones fighting an illness. On the other hand, with Santa’s centuries long perspective we are all children, some just smaller than the others. 

One can recognise Santa Claus from his large stature, charismatic and dignifyingly kind manner. He is a gentleman with glasses, long, well-groomed white beard and a moustache. He is tall, has a round stomach, and in his eyes, there is always a twinkle of laughter. His hand is small like a bear’s paw and his handshake is welcoming and firm. Santa’s most well-known marker is his signature red colour that symbolises warmth and love. He wears a red coat made from quality materials, a vest and a hat, but his trousers are another colour.

Santa Claus communicates in Finnish and English, and if he needs other languages during his travels, he will always be accompanied by an elf or a helper who knows the needed language. Never has there been a situation where Santa Claus and the children didn’t understand each other.

Despite his age, Santa Claus follows actively the current technology trends like the Internet and social media and takes advantage of both in accomplishing his mission. This is where Santa Claus Production steps in with its collaborative partners. 

Just like each one of us, there is only one real and genuine Santa Claus, but because his time is imbued with the exquisitely peculiar Christmas magic, it is easy for him to be in somewhat different places at approximately same time.

Santa Claus has a large effect on each of our lives globally, one way or another. Communication with Santa Claus should be done respectfully and with kindness. He should always be addressed and talked about as deferentially as one would do with any other head of state, as he is a leading figure of Christmas time. 

No person ever should claim to be acting as, performing as, or being Santa Claus. Santa Claus is always written with capital letters, nor is his name shortened when addressed in official setting or directly addressing him. However, nothing could make Santa Claus happier than if someone somewhere is using his name and likeness to bring warm and joyful experiences to children. Santa Claus himself doesn’t use anyone else’s name, as he is Santa Claus.

 Santa Claus is the central person in the brand of Christmas. Alone he cannot create a well-rounded Christmas brand, as building a unique brand and fulfilling its magical mission requires much more, and Mrs. Claus, elves, and people like public relations managers, assistants, and collaborators help him bring the magical spirit of Christmas to You.